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  • Writer's pictureJemalyn Gregorio


Well, when I was in Junior High School Years, grade 7 and 8 to be exact, my original plan was to take an ICT Strand for my Senior High School to become a Computer Programmer, also, because my oldest brother took an IT, he was a Technician and once a Professor when he was in college and I wanted to become like him, I wanted to explore all about computers. That was my dream when I was still ignorant about everything. Yet, As I aged and a grade 9 – 10 students, I started seeing the reality and I started thinking what I should do for my life and what exactly I want to become a successful. I started seeing and realizing things such as what exactly career that suits and right for me. I realized that, right now, I want to become a Licensed Doctor of Psychologist or Clinical Psychologist. As I am seeing the reality, I saw people who are in need, and I want to help them, and I want them to see that some people are willing and wanted to help them. Therefore, I am STEM Student; I want to become doctor, I may not be like other doctors, but we still have same goals, and that is to help people who are in need.

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