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  • Writer's pictureJemalyn Gregorio


Updated: Apr 28, 2021

As a STEM Student, we are always known for being nerds, and excellent in academic skills. We are always stereotyped by others and yet they do not know anything how hard it is to be a student while you are being judged by someone who do not know our side. Sometimes we made a mistake, or we cannot answer people, or someone’s question and they are showing an expression that might offend us and they almost like “YOU are STEM student, you should know this this/it.” It was hard for me, for us as a STEM student.

This is why I am going to answer my own question.


Yes, I am a survivor, and this is how I survived and still surviving.

1. I have my plans – I am committed to my plans and my dreams. I have my willingness to do my job and be good at it. I am old enough to achieve and make my dreams come true. Well, sometimes I cannot stick to my plans because I am having trouble and struggles being a student, daughter, friend, and a sibling, but when I am done reflecting with myself and when I am done to realize my goals and why am I still fighting, I will always back I my own game and track.

2. Hard-working – I am hardworking person and student, because if I am not, I could be somewhere, walking on a wrong and bad path. I am not genius, but I am a learner, a hardworking, and responsible person, ang I am still willing to learn and do my responsibilities well to become successful and happy.

3. I have my development – Each day, I am learning something new from my teachers, friends, classmates, family, and myself. I must develop, and I need to develop because mostly no one will understand you but just yourself, and I must help myself when something might happen that would disappoint myself. I must accept any development that happened and will happen to me.

4. Have a healthy relationship - When I say “relationship” it does not mean “romantically” but build a relationship that can help you. As a student we should not forget to have fun and to take a break, we have to learn to have fun, we have to enjoy ourselves, make some friends, because not having a break might break you and can make you weak. You/we deserve to take a break that to be exhausted and drained.

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